out of phase 在 聽黨指揮,永遠跟黨走,黨在我心中,世界第一免疫橋接疫苗是我大台灣第一,只要聽黨話,病毒也會無力化~~~~我編這個超棒的是不是可以加入民進黨? ft.中華民國羽球協會前理事長郭正亮 的影片資訊
Twitch傳送門: https://www.twitch.tv/otakuarmy2 聽黨指揮,永遠跟黨走,黨在我心中,世界第一免疫橋接疫苗是我大台灣第一,只要聽黨話,病毒也會無力化~~~~我編...
Twitch傳送門: https://www.twitch.tv/otakuarmy2 聽黨指揮,永遠跟黨走,黨在我心中,世界第一免疫橋接疫苗是我大台灣第一,只要聽黨話,病毒也會無力化~~~~我編...
本家:Ado様 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnSW8ian29w MIX:成宮 亮(なりょー) https://twitter.com/naryo_1008 ...
Hi Guys, Part 2 of the staycation at Fairmont so check out what we did on the second day! Do like a...
It was a super rainy Friday morning but we still did our run in the rain to ECP. Let's check out som...
Today we are going to explore the famous Old Airport Hawker Centre to dabao dinner after a run there...
In this video, i am doing a review on the Gaston Luga Parlan Backpack. Let's see what we can fit ins...
In this video, we take a short tour of the Coastal Playgrove playground at ECP. Situated at the old ...
Hi Guys, just tried out the new popsicle creations from KFC in the mala and bbq cheese flavours! Wor...
Hello everyone! Managed to do an afternoon tea just before Phase 2 Heightened Alert kicked in. Royal...
We tried 4 Japanese supermarket sushi in Singapore to discover which one is the best. Singapore is h...